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In this section you can find out the latest ICED news,
together with news updates on related projects and programmes.
2018 - Marine ecosystem assessment for the Southern Ocean . ICED and the MEASO2018 Local Organising Committee invite you to attend the MEASO International Conference, to be held in Hobart, Australia from 9-13 April 2018.
Find out more about this event.
2016 - Joint CCAMLR-CEP Workshop on Climate Change & Monitoring. ICED scientists were invited to attend this workshop focused on climate change and monitoring in the Southern Ocean. The workshop report was presented to the CEP XIX meeting in Santiago which endorsed all of the recommendations. Further engagement of ICED scientists with the CEP and SC-CAMLR was strongly encouraged, recognising the relevance of ICED science to their work across a range of conservation and management issues.
Find out more about this workshop.
2014 - ICED Krill Fishery Stakeholder Meeting. ICED held a 'Krill Fishery Stakeholder' workshop in June 2014 at WWF's Living Planet Centre that focused on understanding the objectives for krill fishing and conservation in the Scotia Sea and the Antarctic Peninsula region. A
paper submitted to WG-EMM summarises the preliminary outcomes of the workshop. The full workshop report can be downloaded
here and the accompanying scientific paper can also be downloaded
here .
Another output of the workshop is a set of
Krill FAQs on the CCAMLR website.
2013 - ICED Workshop on Southern Ocean food webs and future scenarios: furthering our understanding of Southern Ocean ecosystems to change. This workshop was held in November 2013 at the British Antarctic Survey and focused on developing a quantitative set of scenarios capturing changes in the key physical and ecological parameters of the Southern Ocean and appropriate ecological models to generate projections of future change impacts. Outputs will be posted on this website in due course.
2013 - Thematic Workshop in Brussels on: Polar Marine Ecosystems Research: Strategic directions for the EU Research Area - To follow on from the Strategy (see below), we held a workshop at the Helmholtz Office in Brussels for members of the European Commission's DG Research. Download our
Summary and Conclusions.
2013 - Polar Marine Ecosystems Research: Strategic directions for the EU Research Area - ICED scientists have written this Strategy as part of the EUR-OCEANS Consortium’s Flagship for Polar Ecosystem Change and Synthesis (PECS), highlighting why research on both Arctic and Antarctic Ocean ecosystems should form an essential component of the European Research Area. Download the
2012 - Publication of the book 'Antarctic Ecosystems: An Extreme Environment in a Changing World' - ICED Scientists are the editors of this book, which presents a synthesis of the latest research on the biological systems in Antarctica, covering organisms from microbes to vertebrate higher predators.
Find out more about this book.
2012 - XXXII SCAR Open Science Conference, July 2012, Portland, Oregon, USA - The conference will focus on SCAR science and providing advice to policy makers. Plenary sessions will focus on the themes of Antarctic Conservation Challenges in a Century of Change, Past, Present and Future Climate Evolution, and Evolution and Biodiversity in Antarctica and will followed by the normal parallel sessions.
Find out more about this conference.
2012 - 2nd ICES/PICES/IOC International Symposium, May 2012, Yeosu, Korea - ESSAS (Ecosystem Studies of Sub-Arctic Seas) lead a 1-day joint Workshop with input from ICED, in conjunction with the PICES/ICES Second International Symposium on
"Effects of climate change on the world's oceans" that was held as one of the official events related to Expo-2012. This workshop compared and contrasted what will happen to the Arctic/Subarctic for the Atlantic and Pacific sectors and the Antarctic regions, with a particular emphasis on the role of advection.
Find out more about this conference.
2012 - ICED-Sentinel Workshop, May 2012, Hobart, Australia - ICED sponsored a workshop developing the Southern Ocean Sentinel Monitoring programme entitled 'Southern Ocean Ecosystem Change and Future Projections' in May 2012 in Hobart. This workshop focussed on the state of our knowledge of Southern Ocean food webs and how these might change in the future.
2012 - IPY 2012 Conference, April 2012, Montreal, Canada - ICED scientists co-convened the session
'1.3.2 Polar marine ecosystems: status and change' within the Polar ecosystems, biodiversity and effects of human activities stream of Area 1. This multidisciplinary session focussed on advances in research in polar marine ecosystems, particularly those relating to IPY.
Find out more about this conference.
2011 - III Portuguese Conference on Polar Sciences, April 2011, Coimbra, Portugal - Portuguese polar scientists met to discuss the latest scientific results, identify future research opportunities, and obtain information from international organisations.
Please read the report on this meeting.
2010 - EUR-OCEANS Foresight Workshop, November 2010, Bremen, Germany - ICED scientists convened a EUR-OCEANS Foresight workshop on change in polar ecosystems. Emphasis was placed on strengthening and coordinating European research in this area.
Find out more about this workshop.
2010 - ICED Southern Ocean Foodweb Modelling Workshop Report
– The first ICED foodweb modelling workshop was held in April 2008. Please read the
workshop report.
2009 - New Frontiers in Southern Ocean
Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Research
– This ICED sponsored workshop was held at
Princeton University in June 2009.
Find out more about this meeting.
2009 - Establishing a Southern Ocean
– The first
Southern Ocean Sentinel Workshop took place in April 2009 in Hobart,
Australia. This workshop considered
how to measure, assess and provide
early-warning detection of climate change impacts on the Southern Ocean and
these could be used to signal future impacts on marine and other ecosystems
elsewhere in the world.
Find out more about this workshop.
2009 - Euroceans Southern Ocean data Portal (ESODAP) – As the result of a
project funded under the EUR-OCEANS programme a data portal to disseminate
biological data taken from historic Southern Ocean cruises has been produced.
The data spans the lifetime of the Discovery Investigations (1925-51) and the
Biological Investigations of Marine Antarctic Systems and Stocks (BIOMASS)
programme (1981-85).
Find out more information about this data set.
2009 - ICED Science Plan and Implementation Strategy – The ICED Science Plan
and Implementation Strategy has been adopted and will be published jointly by
GLOBEC and IMBER. You can download a PDF from our homepage. Hard copies are also
available (limited supply) from the ICED office.
2008 - Modern Insights from Historic Southern Ocean Expeditions – A project has
begun to retrieve information from historic Southern Ocean cruises to help
build a complete picture of the changing circumpolar ecosystem.
2008 - GLOBEC-IMBER Transition Task Team – The GLOBEC-IMBER Transition Task
Team was formed to facilitate the transition to a single ocean research project
in the IGBP structure after 2009. The Task Team met for the first time in
Reading, UK in July 2008 to begin drafting a supplement to the IMBER Science
Plan to define additional science to be tackled by IMBER following the
conclusion of GLOBEC. ICED is one of the science programmes involved.
2008 - First ICED Modelling Workshop – ICED convened its first modelling
workshop in April 2008 to begin to characterise the Southern Ocean food web.
This workshop, the first in a series of ICED modelling workshops, is a first
step towards the development of circumpolar ecosystem models to predict
ecosystem responses to variability and change. A group of multidisciplinary
experts attended this workshop which also forms a contribution to IPY. The
report and
poster summarise the workshop and preliminary outcomes.
2008 - International Polar Year Changing Earth Day – On March 12 2008, the IPY
held its third 'International Polar Day', focusing on the Changing Earth.
2007 - ESSAS Symposium – ICED is focused on the Antarctic but we are also
making links with Arctic programmes, such as ESSAS. A special issue of Deep-Sea
Research II edited by George Hunt, Ken Drinkwater, Skip McKinnell and Dave
Mackas has been published as a result of the ESSAS symposium, Climate
Variability of Sub-Arctic Marine Ecosystems held in Victoria, Canada in May
2005. For a table of contents and
access to full text papers (subscription
2007 - EUR-OCEANS Network Steering Committee Meeting – The role of ICED in
EUR-OCEANS science was presented and discussed at the EUR-OCEANS NCS Meeting in
November 2007.
2007 - International Polar Year Sea Ice Day – On September 21 2007, the IPY
held its first 'International Polar Day', focusing on Sea Ice.
2007 - ICED presentations at GLOBEC and IMBER SSC Meetings – Professors Eugene
Murphy and Eileen Hofmann (members of the ICED Interim Steering Committee) gave
presentations on the ICED programme at the GLOBEC and IMBER SSC Meetings in
Japan (May 2007) and Canada (June 2007) respectively.
Please take a look at the presentation.
2007 - International Polar Year launched – 1 March 2007. Thousands of
scientists, from over 60 countries and a wide range of research disciplines,
will carry out 220 science and outreach projects.
IPY 2007-08 will initiate a new era in polar
2007 - IPY Publications Database Online –
The International Polar Year
Publications Database (IPYPD) is now available online. IPYPD contains
bibliographic records for publications about or resulting from the
International Polar Year (IPY) 2007-2008 and the three previous IPYs. The
database currently contains 60 records and that number is expected to grow to
approximately 20,000 records in the next ten years.
2007 - SOS-CLIMATE is fully funded – The Brazilian Council for Research and
Scientific Development (CNPq) has announced that the IPY project Southern Ocean
Studies for Understanding Global-Climate Issues “SOS-CLIMATE” will be fully
funded. SOS-CLIMATE is the Brazilian IPY contribution in the oceanographic
field and is part of ICED-IPY. Project leader Carlos Garcia, Fundação
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande.
2006 - ICED makes the front page of the latest IMBER newsletter – The IMBER vision is to provide a comprehensive understanding of, and accurate predictive capacity for, ocean responses to accelerating global change and the consequent effects on the Earth System and human society. Please read the
IMBER newsletter.
2006 - ICED-IPY proposal endorsed - The ICED proposal submitted to the
International Polar Year committee has been successfully endorsed.
2006 - ICED Science Session at SCAR - The first ICED science session held in
July 2006 at the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) Open Science
Conference in Hobart was a great success.
Further information on the ICED SCAR session.
2006 - ICED Science Planning Workshop - The first ICED Science Planning
Workshop was held at the British Antarctic Survey, UK involving 34 participants
from 14 countries. A summary was published in the April 2006 issue of the
GLOBEC newsletter.